Hair & Body


Many women know the annoying issue of cellulite because latest during summer time (and thus bikini time) we are all confronted with it. Women’s magazines deal with recommendations of various products and tips. But what exactly is cellulite? Why are only women affected? And what really helps to prevent cellulite?

What is cellulite?

Cellulite, also known as orange skin, is a change in skin texture, which becomes noticeable in form of an increased formation of dents on the skin. Approximately 80% of all women are affected by this metabolic disorder, men only occasionally. The reason for this lies in the different tissue structure between men and women. Men’s skin is thicker and contains more elastic fibers, whereby it can bind more water. The cells of the connective tissue, where the fat tissue is embedded, are smaller and run diagonally in men´s skin. In contrast, women are better paddened by nature. Their fat tissue of the subcutaneous tissue (beneath the skin) is organized into larger, vertically arranged chambers. Each of these chambers is filled with fat cells. The more they are filled, the more visible is the cellulite.

The fat chambers also press against blood and lymph vessels. The result is that the supply of the tissue and the elimination of waste products is disturbed. As the result of the insufficient blood supply, the skin appears pale and feels colder. Depending on the external appearance of cellulite, it is divided into the degrees of severity 1 – 3. Severity 1 presents the lightest form and severity 3 the strongest. The transition from one stage to another is mostly fluent over the years. However, cellulite does not have to go through all three stages. Usually, there are various stages located in different areas of the Body.

Enabling factors

There are many factors that can promote cellulite. These include genetic predisposition, hormones, strong weight gain, dehydration, water retention (edema), blood circulation problems, smoking and lack of physical activity.

What helps?

Special cellulite treatments can significantly improve its appearance. But it is important that these treatments are performed regularly and in intervals. There are two different methods to fight cellulite: Manual and mechanical methods. Lymph drainage is one of the manual methods. This massage is very suitable as it stimulates the natural movement of the lymph vessels and has a deblocking effect. As a mechanical method, an ultrasound treatment is recommended. This method enlarges the spaces between the cells and stimulates the cell metabolism. With this micro massege, anti-cellulite ingredients are infiltrated into the depth of the tissue.

In beauty salons, treatments such as intensive peelings, cosmetic wrapping (e.g. algae wraps or mud wraps), thalasso treatments and massages are recommended. The objective of these cellulite treatments is on the one hand the detoxification of the tissue, and on the other hand the strengthening of the muscles and vessels based on the stimulation of the metabolism and the drainage of waste products. Finally, it is all about optically improving the skin texture.

Tips for everyday life

Even at home you can do something to fight the unpleasant dents. The regular use of special creams can be supportive up to some degree – but only if the anti-cellulite products are used regularly and permanently! The creams often include ingredients such as caffeine, ginseng, marine algae, mineral salts, ivy extract, cinnamon, camphor, rosemary and butcher’s broom included in the creams. These ingredients promote the elasticity and blood circulation, increase the evacuation of slags and stimulate the cell metabolism. Only regularly and permanently applied products ensure a long lasting improvement of the skin relief. But creaming alone is not enough. In general, it is important to pay attention to a balanced diet, do sports regularly, drink a lot of water and avoid luxury food (tobacco, alcohol, coffee etc.). Furthermore, regular brush massages and cold showers support the effect. Both stimulate blood circulation and the metabolism and thus support the “struggle” against cellulite

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